Already Easier

I have to say this workout went so much better than the first one! It is very encouraging to know that things get so much easier so quickly! (However, keep in mind that other factors such as age and weight may make it more difficult for you.) After my first workout I was interested in finding ways to make running easier so I could run faster and longer. I found this great video online and used it as a reference from which to improve my form. Let me tell you, it makes it SO MUCH EASIER! I wish I had watched this before my first workout!

Here is another good reference about running form. It summarizes some of the concepts from the video.

It’s amazing how a few small changes in posture can transform your run from a painful struggle to an invigorating exercise!

Aside from the changes in posture, I think the biggest change I made that helped the most was my change in pace. I decided to take it nice and slow this time and I found that I was still able to cover the same distance, but this time when I was finished my breathing was steady and I didn’t have much pain to deal with. Also, I wasn’t nearly as sore the next day! After the first workout my shins were so sore! I think it was because my feet were hitting the ground too hard (which is a result of poor form). And the icing on top of everything was how great I felt afterward! It was awesome! Now this is the sort of thing I can keep up!

Food: Frozen Pizza (We all do it)

Music: Domino – Jessie J (Great running song!)

Time: 19 mins

Distance: 1.2 Miles

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